COCC Barber Library is a participating member of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), which makes U.S. federal government publications available to the public at no cost.
Our print collection includes Congressional hearings, presidential papers, government reports, and more. These documents are discoverable through the Barber Library & Summit Catalog and can be found on the first floor of the Barber Library in Bend.
To assist in efforts when federal government pages have been deleted, removed, or edited: is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state, and local government web resources and services. As the catalyst for a growing electronic government, helps citizens navigate through government red tape. At, you can apply for benefits online, contact a government agency, or use the Internet's most comprehensive search of government websites—all from one easy location.
Through Government Information Online (GIO) you can ask government information librarians questions on almost any subject from aardvarks to zygomycosis. The service is staffed by librarians with specialized expertise in how to use government information products, resources, and/or publications
The online catalog of the State Library of Oregon provides access to Oregon state government documents.
The State of Oregon Law Library provides comprehensive legal resources for all Oregonians. Use their free subscription to Fastcase for legal research, or check out NOLO for self-help guides on a variety of topics like adoption, family law, estate planning, and more. is the official Oregon state website. Find recent news and information about jobs, taxes, business, education, natural resources, recreation, public safety, state agencies, state services, local governments, and much more.
The Oregon Blue Book is the official state fact book about all levels of government in Oregon. The site includes a complete directory of state agencies, as well as topic pages that compile resources related to subjects of interest to Oregon residents.
The Oregon State Archives preserves and provides access to the permanently valuable records of Oregon government.
This guide by COCC Barber Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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