Sometimes using a database to find a source is like looking for a needle in a haystack! To help you find relevant results quickly, check out this guide to learn more about searching one of the Barber Library's most popular database providers: EBSCOhost.
Here's the first tip to get you started! EBSCOhost is not actually a database, it just provides you access to databases like Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, or CINAHL (plus many, many others!)
Think of it like this: if someone were to ask you what you had for breakfast this morning, you probably wouldn't say General Mills. Instead, you might respond with Cheerios or Lucky Charms (depending on your sweet tooth). What does your cereal choice have to do with the library? Well, just like General Mills isn't the cereal you're eating, EBSCOhost isn't the database you're searching; it's just the larger company that represents a lot of products! If you think about EBSCOhost in that way, you'll learn that when you search a database provided by EBSCOhost, it looks the same so you can search it the same way--even though what you're searching is different!

Still confused? Try contacting a librarian so we can clear things up!