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Diversity and Inclusion

Explore library and Internet resources and searching tips for when you're researching a topic that relates to diversity and inclusion.

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The library does provide Book Boxes, or books where at least five copies of the same item are available to check out. Currently, there are two Book Boxes on topics related to Diversity and Inclusion: 

undefined So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo (14 copies)

undefined White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo (10 copies)

For a list of all current Book Boxes, please click here

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If you see a link that looks like this:

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Then you should watch this video instead.

All students who are currently enrolled in credit classes have access to library resources, on and off campus. If you're unable to log in to library resources off campus, check out this page for troubleshooting options.

If you are not enrolled in credit classes, check out this page for the access you do have to library resources.

We know citations can be difficult to format because there are so many rules! Check out this guide reviewing citations for APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.

The Writing Center is also a great resource if you have questions about your writing and formatting according to citation conventions.

Research is a complex process that involves many moving parts. If you're struggling finding sources it could mean taking your topic in a different direction so that you have a more researchable approach. This video has some suggestions on developing a topic

It's also possible that the keywords you're using aren't the best for finding things in databases. Consider what you know about your topic and--in the broadest terms possible--brainstorm the essential words that matter to you. This video has some tips for coming up with keywords.

The best option would be to come speak to a librarian to discuss your search process and get personalized advice on finding quality, relevant information. If you're in Bend, come visit a librarian during our open hours. If that's not convenient, you can chat with a librarian 24/7 by clicking here, email a COCC librarian directly by clicking here, or book an appointment with a librarian to come to your campus on your schedule by clicking here.

Creative Commons License
This guide by COCC Barber Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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